Monday, January 24, 2011

Guest Writer

I have man boobs, I am not afraid to admit it. It seems though when I lose weight that the scar from underneath the right one is more prominent. I like when I can see it, it means that I am losing weight. I started 2011 without a plan to make that scar shine. (The scar is of a football helmet buckle that somehow scarred me for life.)
Then one day I was on face book and a great friend told me about the scheme to run 2011 miles. Being not much of a runner I begged to be in the game. He graciously let me and also gave me an outlet to share my feeling about my progress. I started the Journey at 325 pounds which is down from when we met in Alaska two years ago but up from this summer. Right now my current miles is 30. I feel really good about this and it gives me a goal. I am down 9 lbs on my way to lose 40...thanks D Rack.


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