Monday, February 7, 2011

The Sweetest Mile

Due to an great conversation with a beautiful woman, I was late getting to the gym. My excuse of being late could be confused with the fact I thought the gym closed at 11. So when I got there I found the guy who has a mow hawk. He signed me up for the gym so I knew he had the answer.
I asked “hey man what time does the gym close.” He rebutted “ten.” It was in a tone that stated you fat S.O.B. I told you that when you paid me money.
So I decided with the little time that I had I would hit the bike, then hit my chest workout. I went .87 on the bike and then hit a bench. After the bench I hit the fly’s. While on the fly machine in the midst of the country I could here that face of D rack and the promise I made to help with this.
I had 20 minutes and mow hawk guy and the guy who I do not think works there, but hangs out with mow hawk guy were what seemed to be in a hurry. So I decided to hit it hard jogging/slash borderline running, side note I usually walk my miles. Today was different I had Colder Weather from the Zac Brown Band playing on repeat and the aches of my calves. Long story in the midst of the running/slogging, I realized the adrenaline that real runner might feel. So today I post 1 mile, and I am more proud of my mile then the 8 I walked last week. D Rack you rock! Running we can be acquaintances now!!

Feb 7: 1 mille
Last week: 8 miles

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Yay, Robert! I'm proud of your one mile too, and I don't even know you.