Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Turn

So I am a single Dad. Not that my kids do not have a mother that they see regularly, I am just single. (to all the ladies) I have my kids most nights. This week it has been tough to get those miles in. With V day and a father in the hospital. So I had a realization that I have a treadmill at work, that I can use during my lunch hour. This is big news for me. I can still keep up. My office looks over the city I was raised in. The view from the treadmill is a park that I have grown to love for a lot of reasons. So today the mile was not my sweetest but great memories came out of it. Plus it is always weird to shower at work.


Last week: 7 miles
Week to date: 4 miles

1 comment:

Derek said...

valentines schmalentines!!!